Your Board of Directors and Co-Op Updates

Hello MMC!
It’s been too long! What a strange summer we’ve had. We have just had our first board meeting since June and we are all getting very excited for what we now expect will be a busy, albeit different, ski season. Thank you to everyone who attended our first virtually hosted AGM. It was wonderful to hear some familiar voices. This year, we are sad to say farewell to two long standing board members. Sam Harling and James Seib have both been dedicated members who have brought a wealth of expertise to many projects over their multiple terms. As sad as we are to lose these guys, we are thrilled to welcome our two new board members, Kelly Gingles and Brian Niska. We look forward to working with Bryan and Kelly who will enhance our capacity to continue to grow MMC/ Shames over the next few years.
We covered a lot in this month’s meeting! Here are the important updates:
- Christian and the team are ramping up for a busy 2020-2021 season. Our COVID- 19 protocols are complete. Please have a read before the beginning of the season!
- At this month’s meeting we moved to purchase software that will help us to ensure the lodge is kept at a safe capacity.
- As we won’t be able to pack the lodge like previous years, a number of improvements are being made. Drinks and some food items will be available for purchase at an outdoor kiosk. There are new, outdoor washrooms in the works. Thanks to Progressive Ventures Construction and Bear Creek Group for supplying two ATCO trailers that will afford safe spaces for our staff office and ski school. Check out Shames Mountain on Facebook for more details!
- As you may have noticed, we have introduced a new online purchasing system. It was A LOT of work to get off the ground but we believe this will significantly help to simplify online pass purchases! Call the office if you have any issues with purchasing your passes online or if you prefer to purchase via telephone or in person.
- Thank you to everyone who has already purchased their season’s pass. Sales are at an all time high! It is great to see our community committed to another great season.
- Remember we have two new policies in place to try and support our members:
- No questions asked full refund on Super Earlybird and EarlyBird pass products up to October 1, 2020
- A guaranteed minimum of 50 operating days for the 2020/2021 ski season. For every operating day less than 50, 2% will be credited to the purchase of your 2021-2020 MMC-Shames Mountain Seasons Pass up to a maximum of 76%
- If you know of any grant opportunities that MMC/ Shames Mountain might be eligible for, please share them with us.
- Over the summer we had two fantastic golf scrambles that raised nearly $10 000 for MMC/ Shames. Thank you to everyone who came out! We hope to have these events again next year in both Terrace and Prince Rupert. If any Kitimat members would like to help us round out the tour, please be in touch! Check out Shames Golf for results from this year and for all future event information!
- Unfortunately, due to social distancing restrictions, we do not anticipate being able to host our normal Shred Ready or Powder Pig Jig events.
- We are always looking for more fundraising ideas – get creative and give us a shout!!
Capital Projects
- We are currently securing funding for parking lot expansion projects.
- We will be breaking ground on the Shred Carpet project as soon as we can see ground again!!
Inclusion and Diversity on the Mountain
- Over the summer, Chelsey led an initiative to look at how other ski hills have addressed the unfortunate truth that, though Shames Mountain exists on unceded Tsimshian territory, Indigenous people’s participation is well below that of non Indigenous individuals. We have worked hard to develop a promotional program for the 2020-2021 season that will offer 50% off day passes, lessons and ski rentals to all Indigenous individuals.
- In partnership with a local occupational therapist, we are looking at installing a stair lift which will afford lodge access to our members who have mobility restrictions and are unable to manage the many slippery stairs. Stay tuned for more!
Thanks for reading! Don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Contact information can be found for each of the board members here. Stay safe out there MMC! Think snowy thoughts!!