Your Board of Directors and Co-Op Updates

Hello MMC!
The countdown is on! With all of this early season snow, we are planning on opening either Saturday Dec 5 or Dec 12. We are still working on linking our town office with the mountain through our new high speed internet connection and have to get this finished and tested. Stay tuned to Facebook for any updates especially regarding COVID-19 regulations.
Here are the important updates from our November Board meeting:
- We will begin the season with Saturdays and Sundays, moving to 7 days a week over Christmas starting December 19. We will move to 5 days (Thursday to Monday) come January.
- We will make decisions regarding the plan for March break closer to that time.
- The installation of towers and equipment to bring high speed internet to the hill is underway. Still lots of work to be done here to enable us to open. Hope for clear skies so helis can fly!
- Is anyone out there a wizard with a webcam? We need help getting our snow cam back up and running. If anyone thinks they may be able to help, please reach out to Christian. How cool would it be to have live footage with your morning coffee!?
- Mark Reiter from the Skeena Zone Canadian Ski Patrol joined us this month to provide updates on all of the fantastic initiatives the CSP has been involved with over the past year. Over $23,000 was raised and allowed for the purchase of up to date rescue equipment for our hill. The CSP also helped us modernize all of our run signs. Thanks to the returning CSP crew as well as their five new members for all of their dedication and hard work! We wouldn’t be able to do it without you!
- Parking: Lots of you will be wondering about parking this year. Things will be especially challenging given pandemic related restrictions to carpooling and limited chalet access. We ask that you park responsibly and efficiently.
- Tow behind trailers will not be allowed in the parking lots on operating days.
- There will be NO overnight parking in the upper lot.
- Able bodied members without small children, please consider parking in the lower lot so the more accessible upper lot is available for families and those who are less nimbly bimbly! Given less lodge space, parents are going to need better access to their vehicles to keep kiddos warm and fed.
- Please watch for the new parking policy which will be published later this week. We appreciate that there will be some frustration as we try to find solutions that will work for all members.
- We are hoping to increase corporate engagement with our co-op this year. Businesses can get involved by purchasing lifetime MMC Business Memberships and annual corporate season’s passes. If you are a business owner or know of anyone who might be interested – get in touch with our Terrace office!
- A huge thank you to the District of Kitimat and to Rio Tinto who have both made donations to help offset this significant expense of COVID-19 related modifications.

- The Prince Rupert Shred Scramble Trophy has been completed by our wonderful friends at Stuck on Designs and will be on display with this year’s winners forever engraved at Cowpuccino’s Coffee House until next year it comes up for grabs again next year.
Capital Projects
- We have applied for grant funding for parking lot expansion projects. Everyone cross your fingers!
- We have raised close to $400,000 for our Shred Carpet Project and applied to NDIT for the remaining $300,000. We hope to make a decision to build this new lift in 2021 once we hear back from NDIT this January. Everyone cross your toes!
Diversity Promotions on the Mountain
- We have officially launched our Indigenous Adventure Pass promotional program for the 2020-2021 season. All Indigenous individuals will receive 50% off day passes, lessons and ski rentals!
- Come check out our new Sm’algyax welcome sign which will be installed before opening. Thank you to Ts’msyen Sm’algyax Language Authority for collaborating with us on this!

Inclusion and Access
- Now that we have a roof over our back stairs, we can now look at options for installing a stair lift which will afford lodge access to our members who have mobility restrictions and are unable to manage the many slippery stairs. We are working in partnership with a local occupational therapist. Stay tuned for more!
Thanks for reading! Please remember to review our COVID-19 Protocols & Procedures before opening day. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Contact information can be found for each of the board members here. Stay safe out there MMC! We look forward to seeing you slashing powdery turns soon!