Our Climate Change Resiliency Project is entering a drilling and blasting phase. We will be generating a portion of the infill materials needed for the base area and the lower mountain access road. The blasted area is adjacent to our upper parking lot. For safety reasons, this will require closing access to the base area from Monday to Friday until further notice. This transformative project would not be possible without the help of incredible community partners. We would like to take the opportunity to showcase:
Axis Mountain Technical
Based in Terrace BC, their expertise spans drilling and foundations, precision blasting, advanced rigging, rope access and high-angle work, and the operation of Spider excavators in challenging environments. Mountain construction is Axis Mountain Technical specialty. They thrive in remote worksites and excel on complex projects challenged by environment. From structural anchor drilling and installation, suspension bridges, mountain bike trails, avalanche control systems or communication tower installation, they do it all.
Here is some of their work you might recognize: AXIS PROJECTS
Axis Mountain Technical truly is an incredible company that helps re-defined what is humanly possible, they go and work where others can’t or won’t. We thank them for seeing the important role MMC-Shames Mountain plays for our community, and the value of the Climate Change Resiliency Project.
Climate Change Resiliency Project Partners
Our partners included on this project valued at approximately $450,000 are:
- Prince Rupert Port Authority
- Axis Mountain Technical
- Progressive Ventures Ltd.
- Emil Anderson Group
- RollyWorks
- Allnorth Consulting Ltd.
- Maltin Consulting Services LTD
- Westpoint Rentals
- Regional District of Kitimat Stikine
- District of Kitimat
Your MMC-Shames Mountain Team