A group is 15 or more people

Skiing and Snowboarding has become one of the few sports available in our area that the entire family can learn together, but still be individuals in ability and challenges. Skiing and Snowboarding provides a fun and healthy occasion to encourage kids (young and old) to get outside and be active during the winter months. 

MMC-Shames Mountain wants to ensure that every Youth/Junior has the opportunity to enjoy our mountain; the Northern Snow Angels program is available to all Groups/Organizations. Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance or have any questions or concerns. To book or enquire about availability please email [email protected].

Youth Senior
(13-18) (65+)
(12 & under)
Lesson$15.00$15.00 $15.00 $15.00
Lift Ticket$56.60$25.30 $36.36 Free
Rentals$32.53$29.57 $26.40 $14.78

Taxes and 2% Crown Land fee not included.

Tubing$15 per person
Taxes not included.