My Mountain Co-op/Shames Mountain is located on unceded Ts’msyen (Tsimshian) territory.
Our Office in Terrace is located on territory of the Kitsumkalum people. We celebrate and acknowledge the deep-rooted histories embedded in the land that we all get to play on and enjoy. We extend this acknowledgement to all Indigenous communities — Kitselas, Nisga’a, Gitxsan, Haisla, Talhtan, Tlingit, Wet’suwe’ten, Tse’khene — and everyone who calls the north home.
One small way that we honour the opportunity to recreate in this beautiful landscape is with our Sm’algyax Welcome sign that was created with assistance from the Ts’msyen Sm’algyax Language Authority. Click on the links below to hear the signs read in Sm’algyax.

Ła bała sg̱an” means welcome – literally translated to “the (cedar) mat is spread”

My Mountain Co-op continues to aspire towards improvements that make Shames Mountain a more inclusive, diverse, and fun place for all families in the north.