Have you seen our Safety and Risk Awareness…Read now: https://skisafety.ca/

Alpine Responsibility Code
All skiers and riders must follow the Alpine Responsibility Code. For everyone to have fun, it’s important to be mindful that play in the mountains does come with some risks and that by following the code, risks can be minimized.
Safety Signals
We have three kinds of safety signs at our mountain
- Bright Orange mesh signs indicate merges and slow areas
- Traffic signs indicate type of skiing, closures and education
- Rope lines, orange fencing and boundary signs mark the borders of our ski area
Ski Patrol
The safety of our skiing public is something MMC/Shames Mountain takes pride in. Shames Mountain ski patrollers are easily identified by their red jackets with the white cross on the back. The ski patrol is able to help with first aid and general mountain safety. If you are interested in volunteering please visit our local Canadian Ski Patrol Webpage to find out more.
Mountain Policies
Off Season Hiking and Ski Touring
Hiking and ski touring in the off season is not recommended as a variety of natural and man made hazards exist; such as avalanches, heavy duty equipment, lift maintenance, etc. There are no first aid attendants for the public or means of communication. Enter at your own risk. For more specific rules in regards to uphill travel: Uphill.
Non-Motorized Vehicles
My Recreational Mountain Cooperative has an Operating Agreement with the Province of British Columbia. The Operating Agreement is year round and is for Non-Motorized Activities. Our Insurance Policy is all year round and is for Non-Motorized Activities. As such, My Recreational Mountain Co-operative is responsible for the activities within the Controlled Recreational Area. Therefore the use of Motorized Vehicles including and not limited to Snowmobiles, Quads, Trucks and Dirt Bikes within the Ski Area Boundary is prohibited. Violators will be considered to be Trespassing.
Dogs are NOT allowed in the base area or on the ski runs during Operating days. Dogs must remain in the parking area and must be on a leash at all times. Remember to scoop the poop!
Ski touring
Please visit our new Uphill page to learn all about our new uphill touring program on lift-operating and non-lift-operating days.
Adaptive SnowSports
MMC-Shames Mountain will offer a 50% discount on the following Regular Priced products: Season Pass, or a Full Day Lift Ticket. To receive this discount a valid CADS (Canadian Adaptive SnowSports) card must be presented at the time of purchase. For more information regarding CADS: https://www.bcadaptive.com/content/membership
During the MMC – Shames Mountain off season, recreational vehicles (snowmobiles, ATVs, dirt bikes, etc.), are NOT PERMITTED within the ski area boundary. Hiking and touring is NOT RECOMMENDED as a variety of natural and manmade hazards exist, such as stumps, rocks, avalanches, heavy duty equipment, lift maintenance, etc. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK. There is no first aid present for the public and there are no ski hill resources available to provide assistance in emergency situations. BE PREPARED. We recommend you travel with at least SPOT or INREACH communicator, first aid kit and be fully prepared for self-rescue.
As the tenure holder, My Recreational Mountain Cooperative reserves the right to restrict access to the operational area for safety reasons to our staff, guests, and the public. Those that do not respect this policy will be reported to the RCMP for trespassing.
Parking Policy
- Tow behind campers, or any vehicles longer than 24 feet will not be permitted in our parking lots
- School buses transporting school groups on weekdays will be exempt
- Stand-alone shelters such as pop up tents, or ice fishing tents should be setup in our picnic area, or in the parking lot in the same space that you park. One parking spot per party please.
- Standalone shelters must be firmly anchored to ensure they do not blow away while you are skiing, and not in the way of other vehicles. They must be taken home with you each day.
We ask that able-bodied individuals without small children consider parking in the lower lot. This will give families, seniors, or anyone with mobility challenges a better chance at parking in upper lot. We will evaluate parking throughout the season and make changes for safety or other reasons as required.
Guaranteed Minimum Operating Day Policy 2022-2023
MMC-Shames Mountain’s Guaranteed Minimum Operating Day Policy states that, “Your Season Pass for the 2022-2023 season has a Guaranteed Minimum amount of 50 Operating days. For every operating day less than 50, you will be credited with 2%, (up to 76%). This credit can go toward the purchase of your 2023-2024 Season Pass. Refunds will not be issued in cases of cancellation of operations due to government orders, weather conditions or mechanical failure.”
December 8th 2022