Come Join Us for the Shames Mountain Blueberry Festival,

Graciously sponsored by Ocean Trailers, the Shames Mountain Blueberry Festival is your opportunity to escape the heat from the valley bottoms while picking loads of juicy berries in the mountains with your family. With the cool spring and recent heat, the berries are plentiful. Following the success of our transformative Climate Change Resiliency Project, the access to them is easier than ever. Come have a look at the results for yourself.

If you are new to berry picking, don’t worry. The Shames Mountain Ski Club will be there to help you. They will have buckets for picking, transfer bags for bringing the berries home, and will be able to help you identify the bushes you are looking for.

A BBQ by donation will be available thanks to the amazing support of our Black Diamond sponsor Ocean Trailer. Their contribution helps us cover the costs of turning on our generators, lights and water/sewer treatment system to welcome you to our facility.

Lastly, we will be taking the opportunity to host a Shames Mountain Garage Sale. We acquired a few shipping containers full of treasures over the summer, come have a look at our incredible bargains.