It’s finally starting to feel a little bit like spring out there! Here is our second to last update for the year, MMC!

- Because of the major projects we undertook last year, there is lots of off season, administrative catching up to do. Christian and the remaining few members of our operational team are busy getting all of the bits and bobs tied up from this season (plus a few from last!!).

- This summer we will focus on finishing the conveyor lift and new maintenance building. We also hope to have the parking lots resurfaced so they will be easier to maintain in the winter.
- We are currently seeking funding to formalize the design of a heat recovery project which will allow us to harness the cozy byproducts of running big generators all day. This idea has long been in the works and we hope to be able to initiate it in the next couple of years.
- We are Looking to ski area planning firms to help prioritize our infrastructure and base area needs now and into the future in order to better direct our limited resources.
- Stay tuned for our new product and price schedule. Our finance committee is working hard to provide recommendations for 2022-23 that will continue to fulfill our dueling cornerstones of Sustainability and Affordability.
- Join us for the annual MMC Shred Scramble Tour!!! If you aren’t much for swinging a club, consider volunteering for these awesome events. Three years in and we might actually get to celebrate after with prizes and a proper partaaaay!!
- Kitimat August 13th
- Prince Rupert August 20th
- Terrace August 27th
- AGM – September 27th 2022
- Early Bird Season Pass Sale will begin July 15th for MMC members and August 1st for non-members.
Please contact Cait to get your name on a volunteer list for any of the following initiatives. Remember, MMC and Shames Mountain depend on your help to make us successful!! We are nothing without YOU! YES – I am talking to you!! 😉
- Any volunteer opportunity that comes up ever (recommended)
- Golf Scrambles (Kitimat, Terrace and Prince Rupert)
- Recruiting sponsorship and prizes (we can help provide direction!)
- ‘Day of’ volunteers
- Lodge Accessibility
- On-mountain summer Working Bees
- Fundraising Committee/ Society – We are nothing without YOU but we are also nothing without CASH FLOW!!! We really need to share the weight of this ongoing necessity and we are looking for people who are willing to get involved. Please contact Steve if you can make some time for MMC!
Photo Credits: Robin Cecioni