Hello MMC!
There was lots to talk about this month! A few updates from our Board of Directors meeting in May:
- The mountain is now completely shut down for the season
- The town office remains closed but we hope to be able be open up shop for modified hours in June
- We continue to work on the pricing schedule for next season as well as some new policies that will aim to give members confidence in their season’s pass purchases.
- Continue to stay tuned for AGM plans as well as creative fundraisers and events we are hopeful about for this summer!
Capital Projects
- The Shred Carpet project is in the works. We anticipate this will unfold over the next two seasons with work beginning this summer on site prep. Main construction is anticipated for next summer.
MMC Rules and Memorandum
- All of our Co-op rules can be found here.
- Our board has been spending some time at each meeting to review different sections of our cooperative rules. If you have any proposed changes to the rules, please send an email to [email protected] by June 15, 2020. All proposed changes will be presented and voted upon at the AGM. Feel free to send questions about any of the rules to the same address.
Thanks for reading! Don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Contact information can be found for each of the board members here. Stay safe out there MMC!