And just like that it’s winter… as we gear up to start preparing the hill for the upcoming season, we want to remind everyone that the ski hill is not yet operational, there are no services at MMC-Shames Mountain, no emergency services, no cell phone coverage and users should be prepared to self-rescue; pre-season skiing at MMC-Shames Mountain is not recommended.
In addition, we are starting our Track Packing Operations. Please note there is no public access to the hill from 4pm today on the following days Wednesday 2nd November, Thursday 3rd November and Friday 4th November.
Track Packing is essential in the construction of our ski runs. While Track Packing is in progress, there will be no access to the ski hill. This is both for the safety of our guests, and to improve the efficiency of our operators who need to be concentrating on working the snow rather then dodging guests.
Outside of our posted Track Packing hours there may be snowcats on the mountain doing essential work. Please allow these machines a very wide berth.
There will be a sign posted at the bottom of the access road on the Highway and at our iconic blue welcome arch. We will update our social media channels accordingly and an email will be sent to our members.
Photo Credit: Robin Cecioni