June brings our final regular board meeting of the year. The 2021-22 season has been a busy one as we continue to see some of our big projects moving towards completion! Things are wrapped up at the hill and our core staff members have finally been able to catch up on the many administrative tasks required to officially finish this season and begin preparing for the next.
Here are your June updates, MMC!
- The exterior of our new maintenance building is now substantially complete and we ran into some surprise tourism resiliency funding that should help us get the concrete floor (including preliminary work for the heat recovery project) in before the beginning of next season.
- Highways will be making some improvements to our access road over the summer! You heard it here first!
- For the past couple of years our food and beverage service has just been scraping by…. We are ecstatic to announce that we will be partnering with the Coast Mountain College culinary department to work towards a more sustainable model!!

- The finance committee had four successive meetings where they discussed the 2022-23 price schedule at length. Inflation, minimum wage increase, fuel costs, this year’s financials and staff shortages were all considered when making decisions around next year’s prices which have just been released online. A 10% increase will be seen for adult season passes, day passes and books of 12. We were able to keep other season passes essentially the same as last year. These are difficult decisions to make. Please know that the committee discussed all options rigorously before putting the changes forward to the board. If you would like to be on the finance committee and be involved in these decisions, please contact Evan van Dyk.
- Join us for the annual MMC Shred Scramble Tour!!! If you aren’t much for swinging a club, please consider volunteering for these awesome events. We will be launching final details and ticket sales in the next few weeks.
- Kitimat August 13th
- Prince Rupert August 20th
- Terrace August 27th
- AGM – September 27th 2022
- Early Bird Season Pass Sale will begin July 15th for MMC members and August 1st for non-members.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES We really really really need some help recruiting sponsorship and silent auction donations for the golf scrambles. Please email Cait if you have a few minutes to help out!